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Simple    Effective    Easy to use

If your child is struggling to talk, s/he needs an easy way to make speech understandable. Your child needs to see the sounds when you make them. You explicitly show your child what sound you are saying by using the matching hand cue. The hand cues are concrete, and since they mimic mouth movement they make sense and are easy to learn.

Phoneme means "speech sound". So Phoneme Touch & Say™ is the system that takes the confusing stream of speech sounds and helps your child focus on a particular sound.

The hand cues also help your child realize the difference between sounds. This is very important because many phonemes sound very similar.

Many children with learning challenges find speech difficult. For some children, speech is their learning challenge.

Leanne's son has Down syndrome and didn't always know which sound to put in which word. So Leanne taught him for example, to say "batman" instead of "fatman" using the hand cue for the /b/ to show that "batman" starts with a /b/ sound.

Each English phoneme (speech sound) has a unique hand cue based on the properties of the sounds. The Phoneme Touch & Say hand cues are easy to learn and fun to use. The hand cues help children discriminate similar sounds, and correctly process & store words.  In addition to clarifying speech perception, the hand cues aid speech production. When the Phoneme Touch & Say hand cues are paired with letters, they make it easier to learn phonics for both reading and spelling.

Skill: Hearing, differentiating and producing English speech sounds using the multisensory Phoneme Touch & Say™ hand cues to develop speaking, reading, and spelling.

Ability Level: Phoneme Touch & Say™ is effective across a wide range of ability levels.

Key Features: Phoneme Touch & Say™ hand cues are simple and easy to learn because they are based on how and where sounds are made.

Materials Included: The Handbook introduces professionals and parents to the Phoneme Touch & Say™ system. The DVD shows parents and professionals how to make all the Phoneme Touch & Say™ hand cues. A set of 45 hand cue photo cards are used with children\students\clients.

Terms & Conditions: By purchasing a Phoneme Touch & Say™ Program I am agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
  1. All information provided in the Phoneme Touch & Say™ Program, including concepts, methods, and ideas is the exclusive intellectual property of Jill Hicks/Learning Language Together™. I understand and agree that I have no right or title to Phoneme Touch & Say™ Program information.
  2. I understand that all Phoneme Touch & Say™ materials are copyrighted. I agree to abide by the copyright on all Phoneme Touch & Say™ materials. I understand and agree it is illegal to copy by any means any of the Phoneme Touch & Say™ materials, including the Phoneme Touch & Say™ DVD, Handbook, and Hand Cue Photo Cards, and that I will not copy, nor will I allow anyone else to copy these materials.
  3. I understand and agree that I may not give Phoneme Touch & Say™ workshops, in-services or training to others (such as the teachers or speech-language pathologists at my school or school board, or the parents in my parent group), but that Learning Language Together™ gives me permission to teach specific Phoneme Touch & Say™ hand cues to other people who are working with my child, or who are working with a child/children with whom I work to enable those individuals to use Phoneme Touch & Say™ with that child/student.
  4. I understand and agree that any Phoneme Touch & Say™ training workshops or in-services must be approved by Learning Language Together™.
  5. I understand and agree that if I want to teach Phoneme Touch & Say™ (other than a brief introduction) at an academic institution (university, college, etc.) I must first get permission from Jill Hicks/Learning Language Together. Please note: An academic pricing discount may be available for orders of multiple copies of the Phoneme Touch & Say™ Program. Please contact Jill Hicks at hello@learninglanguagetogether.com.